Echo Chambers

The election of Trump in 2016 enabled all the hate that evangelical people already had inside of them to come out. And the reason for that is because the trash and the garbage that came out of that Trump's mouth... the way he made fun of disabled people, the way he talked about women, his racism, etc. All these disgusting, vile things flowed out of the mouth and in the Twitter feed of the president of the United States. It was empowering to those who were already full of hate.

People who were previously shoving those things down and not saying them out loud then felt safe to spew their disgusting trash. And once that Pandora's box opens, it's is extremely hard to close it again. These people have had a taste of power, of being able to say whatever they want without any consequences.

And they are not going to let go of this "freedom" quietly. They became comfortable. Speaking these repressive and oppressive ideologies out loud enabled a cycle to start where their policies in their politics became more and more extreme. They sit in their own echo chambers with Fox news and Newsmax and Breitbart, all repeating and echoing hate, fear, and power.

These people aren't like us. Most people on the left consume multiple news sources, and many of us keep up with the right wing extremist news media like Fox so that we can keep tabs on the pulse of those who wish to destroy our democracy.

Republicans who sit in these echo chambers, listening to extremist media day in and day out is brainwashing. When someone becomes accustomed to hearing something all the time, just like with brainwashing, they finally start to accept it as truth. And so now we see the conservative Republican party, in which the majority is made up of evangelical "Christians," moving into a right wing, extremist position.

They don't see what's happening because of their echo chamber.

They've evolved into something terrible and insidious. They think they were justified with the insurrection, for example. The only way we're going to be able to stop it is to vote blue. We must vote the hate out, because if we don't, it's going to get a lot worse.

It doesnt do any good to be the majority if we allow them to be louder than us. We have to make some noise. We have some t-shirts like this one and this one to help you make an impact about where you stand. We have to get loud and unite, or we'll be living in a Christian nationalist theocracy in a few years.

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