They've Resorted to Drinking Urine

In case you haven't already heard, Republicans are now drinking their own urine to prevent and cure COVID. The extreme measures that they are going through so that they don't have to take an overwhelmingly safe and effective vaccine is absolutely mind boggling. 

Some of the things that they've done in place of taking any of the Covid vaccines include things like nebulizing hydrogen peroxide, drinking literal livestock horse paste from feed stores, claiming the hospitals are actively murdering people with COVID-19 treatments, injecting themselves with bleach, spraying their bodies down with chlorine or alcohol, taking medication such as hydroxychloroquine away from people that actually need them (such as those who suffer from autoimmune diseases and therefore need that medication to live). And let's not forget about drinking bleach as well as drinking ethanol/methanol, taking colloidal silver, and the list goes on and on.  

These people are delusional. They sit in their echo chamber that consists of Fox News, Breitbart, OAN, Newsmax, and other radicalized right wing extremist media. They consume indoctrination from these sources. They listen to the same messaging on repeat, day in and day out listening to baseless conspiracy theories, and they slowly become more radicalized.

They are literally doing all these dangerous things in a dramatic attempt to navigate Covid without getting any of the safe and effective vaccines. mRNA science is nothing new. The science has been researched since the 1990s and has already been used in vaccines, prior to Covid, for Rabies and Ebola. Moderna was founded in 2010 for the sole purpose of studying mRNA. 

These vaccines are anything but experimental. And even if they were (which they're not) it's been two years. TWO. YEARS. Over 5 billion people have had at least one vaccine at this point. That's over half of all humanity. 

The most brilliant scientific and medical minds across the globe have studied these vaccines by this point. They are overwhelmingly safe and effective, 

Republican evangelicals are such hypocrites. They rant about not knowing what is in the vaccine and the long-term effects but fail to think about the much more dangerous long-term effects from nebulizing hydrogen peroxide or drinking bleach.

They don't even know the ingredients of their blood pressure medicine or Ibuprofen, and yet they go on these rants about how we don't know it's in the vaccine, but we actually do. Very simple to find very few ingredients and these very same people who do all that brazenly argue with doctors and scientists. 

Darwin's going to find them sooner or later. And sadly, it's happening more and more quickly.



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