Evangelical Republicans and Russian Propoganda

Russia has been pushing propogada in the U.S. for many years, but there has been an exponential increase over the past two years in regards to Covid in particular. Those of us on the left have watched in complete horror as Russian troll farms sucked in fellow Americans. Russian troll farms have put out millions of disinformation posts, and our more ignorant and undereducated population, which is typically evangelical Republicans, have sucked it all up like babies drinking from a bottle.

Evangelicals are so much more likely than other people to snuggle up with and believe disinformation. Exvangelicals, including myself, can attest to the fact that the evangelical churches preach about subjects that drive people away from education and critical thinking.

In fact, I remember as a teenager in the evangelical church, youth group leaders telling me that critical thinking opens a “door to demonic and spiritual attacks” and that crititcal thinking "questions God." Whenever I had questions about what I read in the bible, I was chastised for “doubting God” and that I needed to demonstrate “the faith of a mustard seed” in order to be in compliance with the word of God.

Those demands backfired because they immediately made me suspicious of why they took that one bible verse in particular and twisted it to use as a deterrent from asking questions. I wondered what they were trying to hide- what they were trying to keep me from thinking about.

Evangelical churches turn their congregations away from education and critical thinking because the ignorant masses are much easier to control with fear mongering. So here we are today with the evangelical denominations making up the majority of the religious affiliations in the United States.

This makes evangelicals incredibly susceptible to propaganda. These are the people who believe everything they see on Facebook. These are the people who are ignorant to real, scientific research and instead use “research” as a tool for their confirmation bias. These are the people who have slurped up all the millions of disinformation posts Russian troll farms have been churning out on social media- especially on Facebook.

And here's the kicker; it worked. Evangelical Republicans slurped up all the Russian propaganda like kittens lapping up milk.

Russia has always had an end goal. They want to create divisiveness, and they want to rip us apart from the inside out. What better way to bring the United States to its knees than to have the ignorant population screaming that mask mandates are "oppression." And this divisiveness is exactly what they’ve been building up to- and it's painfully obvious why they did so now that they have invaded Ukraine.

We’re all seeing countless evangelicals post on the internet that they would side with Putin before they would ever side with a “DemocRAT.” They are singing his praises with their lord and savior Dump going so far as to saying on record that Putin's war tactics are brilliant.

These evangelical Republicans don't have the intelligence or the critical thinking skills necessary to be able to see they played right into Russia's hands. They were molded like putty.

These people are on record sympathizing with Russia. This is treasonous.

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