White Christian Nationalism and Forced Gestation Laws

There is currently a wave of tyranny from recent legislation designed to reduce women into property by enacting Christian nationalist laws. These laws are to force women to comply with politicians' religion by taking away our right to autonomy over the organs that are inside our bodies.vasectomyWe have to get loud and make an impact. We have to fight like our lives depend on it, because it does.

We're releasing some new designs for women's right to choose.For all of these new designs, 20% of sales for this shirt are donated to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to help us in this fight. 

Against abortion? Have a vasectomy

Heather Ice Blue t-shirt that says "Against abortion? Have a vasectomy"

Abortion is healthcare

Ash t-shirt that says "Abortion is healthcare"

I am more than a uterus

Pink t-shirt with a handprint on it that says "I am more than a uterus"

I am more than a uterus

Team Purple t-shirt that says "I am more than a uterus"

Keep your religion out of my uterus

Heather Ice Blue shirt that says "Keep your religion out of my uterus"

You can shove your religion up your own uterus, not mine.

Heather True Royal t-shirt that says "You can shove your religion up your own uterus, not mine." 

These shirts will make an impact around you so that you can make a statement about this horrific legislation and inspire change. Ditch the silent majority. We need to wake the beast.

What's going on?

So what exactly is happening? Let's start with Missouri. Missouri wants to make it a felony to get an abortion after 6 weeks, before most women even know they are pregnant. They also want to make treating an ectopic pregnancy a felony. They also want to make it a felony for a woman to go to another state to have an abortion. This bill also aims to make it a felony to perform an abortion on victims of human trafficking and sex trafficking.

And good old Missouri isn't the only state trying to pass this horrific legislation. The other red states trying to do the same, including Tennessee.

Why is it bad to ban abortions for ectopic pregnancies?

These idiots even understand what an ectopic pregnancy is! An ectopic pregnancy is when the fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes, but it can often implant in other areas as well.

An ectopic pregnancy is 100% fatal for the fetus. It is 100% non-viable. It will not survive. The egg is supposed to implant in the uterus, where the fetus grows and develops. If an ectopic pregnancy is implanted in the fallopian tube, for example, it becomes a life-threatening emergency because the fallopian tube is not designed to grow and stretch like the uterus is to accommodate a growing fetus. An ectopic pregnancy causes the fallopian tube to burst, which causes massive internal bleeding for the woman.

And good ole Brain Sietz, Governor of Missouri, actually said, “They don't have the hospital machinery to tell if this is an ectopic pregnancy, they might just think it's a normal pregnancy and they want to abort that child. I would like to see that sort of unlawful activity stopped.” (And actually, Brian, it's not "unlawful." It's our constitutional right.)

These are the people making laws about women's bodies.

Here he is confident in his ignorance, saying this with his full chest, making these medical decisions for women about conditions that he doesn't even understand.

Stop meddling in other people's healthcare decisions

This is why we need comprehensive sex education. This is why lawmakers should not be making medical decisions for anyone, let alone women during pregnancy because they don't even understand what happens during pregnancy. This is why abortion is healthcare. Pregnancy and childbirth need to be left to the experts—the woman and her doctor.

Did you know ectopic pregnancies make up one out of every 60 to 80 pregnancies in the United States? And that the United States has the highest maternal mortality rate in all the developed nations?

The real reasons behind abortion bans

1. Making more white babies

White people are estimated to be the minority in less than 25 years, and white supremacists are freaking out. Over 60% of abortions are for white women. So to white supremacists, forcing more white babies into existence would slow down the progression. It also help boost for-profit adoption agencies who are selling white babies at a premium price. And Black babies who are in the adoption system are sold for cheaper and placed with white evangelical families in an attempt to systematically erase Black culture.

2. Killing Black women

The United States has the highest maternal mortality rate of all industrialized nations. And on top of that, Black women are 4x more likely to die of pregnancy and childbirth related complications than white women are. Racism is rampant in the medical field. Black women are denied pain management while most white women are not. This is because of the racist belief that Black women don't feel pain as much as white women. Black women's concerns are also dismissed and blown off as being "dramatic."

3. Keeping people in poverty

The majority of abortions happen in two categories: those who live in poverty and women in domestic violence situations. Keeping people in poverty also creates more blue collar workers for corporate America as well as keeps humans flowing into the school-to-prison pipeline... unironically to for-profit prisons who gain from free labor.

4. Giving men the power to oppress women

These forced gestation laws are giving men the power to remove a woman's basic human rights at his discretion at any point in time. Any man can force any woman to gestate and bear his offspring against her will.

5. Punishing women for the "sin" of having sex without intending to procreate.

Growing up in evangelicalism, I was taught that sex without wanting to procreate is an egregious sin worthy of hell. I was taught that if you're married, preventing pregnancy is to go against God's will. It was absolutely forbidden to be married and have sex for any other reason than to procreate. This is also why they're now gearing up to go after women's birth control. 

They HATE women who have sex without wanting to procreate, and it also includes rape and incest survivors. Evangelical Republicans believe that rape and incest are always the women's fault (and you can see this in Purity Culture), and they should be punished for it. This is why we're seeing all the red states passing abortion bans with NO exceptions for rape or incest.  

Having autonomy over how the organs that are inside our bodies are used is a human right. 

Forcing women to gestate against our will is egregious violation of human rights. It removes personhood from the woman. It reduces us to property.

This isn't about “saving babies.” We already know that- look at how much they hate children who are already born. This is evident in all the legislation they pass designed to keep people in poverty rather than helping lift them out of it.

Abortion bans have never stopped abortions. Abortion bans actually drive abortions up because the states with abortion bans also vote against things that are proven to prevent abortions such as comprehensive sex education and expanding social safety net programs like food stamps and WIC, fighting poverty and income inequality, etc.

Being “pro-life” is a religious view. But plot twist- the Jesus these people claim to follow preached against forcing people to comply with religion. According to the Christian bible, he came to break people free from the bondage of religion, not to enslave people to religion and religious laws.

I know there are Christians who are not evangelical, who are progressive and they do speak about these atrocities, but it's not enough. We need these Christian extremist Republicans to be held publicly accountable for this by other Christians. If you're one of the "good ones" and you're silent about this, that silence is compliance.


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