Together We Rise

A white woman and a Black man wearing shirts that say "Together We Rise." Each shirt represents LGBTQ+ people, Black people, and white people rising together.

Introducing the release of two versions of “Together We Rise” t-shirts. The one on the left can be found here and the one on the right can be found here. So what does it mean?

In a world that is increasingly interconnected and interdependent, the adage "United we stand, divided we fall" holds more weight than ever before. The idea that strength lies in unity and that there is power in diversity is a fundamental truth that shapes our societies and can determine our destiny. However, this unity and diversity are not always welcomed. Right now across the nation, Republicans actively seek to oppress and marginalize diverse communities. It's crucial to understand why this happens and how we can rise together to combat it.

Our world is a mosaic of cultures, races, religions, and perspectives. And this diversity is a source of strength. When people from various backgrounds come together, they bring unique experiences, ideas, and talents to the table. This diversity can lead to innovation, creativity, and problem-solving abilities that are unmatched in homogenous environments.

Think about it: a diverse team can approach a problem from multiple angles, drawing on different life experiences and viewpoints to find solutions that might elude a more homogenous group. It's like having a toolbox filled with a wide range of tools; you're better equipped to handle a variety of problems.

Diversity also fosters empathy and understanding. When we interact with people from different backgrounds, we become more compassionate and open-minded. We learn to see the world through their eyes.

Republicans, however, do not embrace strength in diversity. They are threatened by the idea of a united, diverse society. But why? There are several reasons.

First off, they see it as a direct threat to their hold on power: They’re terrified that a more diverse and inclusive society will dilute their influence. They're scared that as traditionally marginalized communities gain more voice and representation, the balance of power will shift away from them. Straight white Christian men will no longer own the majority of power, and they cannot bear the thought of sharing power with women, people with other skin colors, different cultures, religions, genders, sexual orientations, etc.

Because of that, Republican politicians exploit the divisions and prejudices that their base holds in order to whip them into a frothing rage. And it’s so easy to do so because their base lives in fear: Fear of change, fear of diversity, fear of education, fear of other religions, and fear of everything they do not understand. Republican politicians love nothing more than to rile their base up into a raging frenzy.

The Republican Party aligned with evangelical Christians over the last 50ish years because evangelicals are incredibly easy to control. Because they live in terror, they’re effortlessly riled up by any propaganda. This is because evangelicals believe that critical thinking “opens the door to satanic attacks.” So they gobble up every ounce of propaganda their leaders feed them without any critical thinking whatsoever. Then all their leaders have to do is hand them some pitchforks and scream “Go get those woke libs!”

When their base is focused on hating (and being terrified of) women, trans people, queer people, education, science, disabled people, Black people, the secular population, other religions, change, and so on, that means they aren’t paying any attention to Republican politicians facilitating the upward transfer of wealth from the working and middle class to corporations and billionaires. That's what tax breaks for the rich do.

Republican voters aren’t paying any attention to the fact that our freedoms are quietly being dismantled in the shadows. Republican voters are so focused on their hate that they're happily handing over an enormous amount of power to their Republican politicians and their state governments "to own the libs." But instead, their leaders are using that power to quickly usher in a fascist regime.

By stoking fears and biases, Republican politicians can maintain and consolidate their political influence. They harp on Republican voters’ fear of change. Diversity challenges long-held norms and traditions, and that terrifies Republicans.

Fascism is a political ideology characterized by authoritarianism, nationalism, and the suppression of dissent. It seeks to create a homogenous society by oppressing minority groups, undermining democratic institutions, and promoting a cult of personality around a strongman leader.

Fascist regimes throughout history, such as Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Italy, have shown that they will stop at nothing to enforce their vision of a uniform society. They employ tactics like censorship, propaganda, intimidation, and violence to silence opposition and crush dissent.

Recognizing the threat of fascism is the first step in combating it. To preserve the strength that comes from unity and diversity, it's crucial to stand up against oppressive forces. Here's how we can do it:

Promote education and awareness about fascism and its historical consequences. That’s why Republican politicians are hellbent on dismantling our public educational system and funneling our tax dollars into religious schools. They want to suppress education about history because they WANT history to repeat itself, and they can do so with an ignorant population.

Stand in solidarity with marginalized communities and advocate for their rights. Support inclusive policies by voting for leaders that champion inclusivity, diversity, and equality. Use your voice and vote to counter divisive rhetoric. Hold Republicans accountable for their actions and statements. Demand transparency, ethical behavior, and adherence to democratic principles. Get involved in your community. Volunteer, participate in local initiatives, and build connections across diverse groups. Engage in peaceful protests to voice your concerns and demonstrate solidarity against fascism and oppression.

History has shown that when diverse groups unite against oppression and fascism, they can achieve remarkable progress. The fight for a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable world is ongoing, and it's a fight that we can win together. Strength lies in unity, and there is immense power in diversity. It's up to us to harness that power and create a brighter, more inclusive future for all.

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